
Our cooperation is based on personal contact with the client because we believe the personal relationship is an important part of the success in business matters. Hi-tech machine park, certified personnel and delivery promptness are the basis of our work. Regardless of the production scope we follow our main rule of providing the highest possible quality of the product. On account of our personal commitment, we earned trust and respect of our long-term partners.

We produce from the following materials:

● alloy, carbon and stainless steels,

● non-ferrous metals (bronze, brass, copper),

● inconel,

● aluminium alloys,

● plastics.

We manufacture parts in sizes:

● 800 x 450 x 450 mm on milling centres;

● Ømax= 250 mm i Lmax = 500 mm, na tokarkach.

Our CNC machines keep tight tolerances and high quality. We also use conventional machines in our workshop.

Stamet performs argon welding of steels and aluminium alloys.

We are able to deliver to the client a final ready product based on cooperation with approved suppliers providing services in heat, galvanic and chemical treatment and other special processes (e.g. shot peening, sandblasting, glass bead blasting).

We perform polishing and finishing works on our products.


Civil Aviation Office Approval according to Part 21 A subpart G (No of certificate: PL.21G.0022)

Spirit AeroSystems (Europe) Limited in matters of machining

Minister of the Internal Affairs and Administration – the concession for production of components of guns and ammunition for the use of police or the defence (No of concessions: B-056/2007; B-059/2007; B-061/2007);

Schweisstechnisse Lehr und Versuchsanatale Berlin-Brandenburg (allowing welding of aviation metal components)

General terms and conditions

Stamet manufacture parts against the purchase order. The basis of the order acceptance is a technical drawing (in: .stl, .dwg, .pdf, .tif, .jpg formats).

Generally we need about 4 weeks for the order completion, however we are able to meet the Clients’ special lead time demands (e.g. by realising the order even in 1 week time). Our availability and flexibility is extremely highly rated by our Clients.

Realizujemy zamówienia liczące od pojedynczych do kilku tysięcy sztuk. Wytwarzamy części w ilościach ściśle określonych w zamówieniach. Dla naszych obecnych klientów wykonujemy znaczną ilość prototypów. Samodzielnie projektujemy i wykonujemy nasze oprzyrządowanie i narzędzia niezbędne do uruchomienia produkcji. Zamówienia realizujemy wyłącznie w naszej firmie, gwarantując ścisły nadzór jakościowy nad poszczególnymi operacjami. Transport do Klienta najczęściej odbywa się za wykorzystaniem zewnętrznych przewoźników (DHL and RABEN, według zasad EXW, DDU) lub dostosowujemy się w tym zakresie do wymogów Klienta.